Lauren Jean Lawlor Announced as the Winner of the PARC PEI Award at 2024 Island Fringe Festival (PEI)

Aug 11, 2024

Lauren Jean Lawlor was announced the winner of the PARC PEI Award at the Island Fringe Festival this year for her play Thinking About A Dog. The prize was awarded on the last day of the Festival, August 4, 2024.

Thinking About A Dog, written by Lauren Jean Lawlor is a short play exploring the absurdities of dating with a sexual trauma history; specifically dating in a rural or small-town setting.

What stood out for the PARC jury was the use of different styles of theatrical performance, from a narration with stop and start action, to a talk show therapy session, to a final stand-up comedy scene. The writer hits hard with the impact of trauma imposed on the protagonist, yet delivers it with a rich comical punch.

Other PEI plays produced at the Island Fringe Festival this year were:

How It Happened – by PARC Member Benton Hartley and and Candace Hagen.

After The Chorus Line – by Greg Ellard and Gabrielle Roddy, with music by Sue Stanger.

How To Be A Vase – by Dana Doucette.

Short Circuits – by Julie Bull.

Learn more about “Thinking About A Dog”


Dogs are a lot of work, but so is dating. Mia is trying not to panic as she re-enters the shallow dating scene in her small town. Staying out until last call and hiring a talk show host as her therapist isn’t helping. Her big break hinges on finding something that will.


Written by Lauren Jean Lawlor
Director: Rebecca Parent
Stage Manager: Brynn Cutcliffe
Sound and Lighting Design: Rebecca Parent
Performed by Emily Anne Fullerton, John MacCormac and Rebecca Parent

Learn more about Lauren Jean Lawlor

Lauren Jean Lawlor is a writer currently based in Epekwitk / Charlottetown, PE. Her play Thinking About A Dog won the 2024 PARC PEI Award. Her work has appeared in carte blanche, the Neighbourhood Film Festival, and The Island Fringe Festival.