Luke Rowe




Luke Rowe is theatre artist (actor, playwright, director, producer) with a BFA in Theatre from Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador. Luke has acted professionally with Rising Tide Theatre, The Gros Morne Theatre Festival (TNL), The Stephenville Theatre Festival and Beyond the Overpass. Luke’s interests are theatre for young audiences and theatre as a tool for political action. He often writes with his creative partner, Christian House; together they write high energy, unconventional comedies. He cofounded the educative touring group Shakespeare Simplified—a company dedicated to teaching Shakespeare to elementary school students on the west coast Newfoundland and Labrador. He is also a cofounder of Güd Productions, a comedy group focussed on producing local, emerging, comedic talent. Most recently, he is a cofounder of Act IV Shakespeare, an educational theatre troupe teaching Shakespeare to high school students with the aid of the ArtsSmarts program. Currently, Luke serves as the Co-Chair of the St. John’s Shorts board. Some of Luke’s favorite plays that he has written are: his TYA-style, hybrid puppet show, “The Oddventures of Maude the Cod: The Oceans are Boiling, The Earth is Burning, And We’re All Gonna Die”, originally written as a radio play, then staged with Güd Guffaw 2022; his and Christian House’s "Double Date", a film-theatre hybrid, dark comedy, staged once in 2019 and again in 2021 at St. John’s Shorts; and “The Little Things (or The F--- Ups)” by Luke and Christian, a time travel, romcom short play performed in 2022.

For Production Enquiries


Luke Rowe


[email protected]

