Housing a copy of your scripts in the PARC Script Library ensures it accessibility and documentation for future. PARC members can visit or borrow from the library by appointment.
Since 2007, Mount Allison University has housed the PARC Library of Atlantic Canadian Scripts. The library contains over 350 Atlantic Canadian scripts, both published and unpublished. Building this collection continues to be a priority for PARC – any member with a finished work or a completed draft is welcome to have their work displayed in the library. In addition to full scripts, the library also features anthologies of monologues and scenes, reference materials, histories, as well as some digital media and a collection of posters, programs and other memorabilia from our members’ shows. Members, students, professors, potential producers and the public alike are all welcome to use the library.
The PARC Library is located in the basement of the Crabtree building on the Mount Allison University campus: 49A York Street, Sackville NB, E4L 1C7.
To contact the library, you can either call us at 506-364-2122 or email: [email protected].